Central location for relatively cheap. Not much else.
23 Brydon Walk, London, N1 0UJ, UK
Type: Flat
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Tenant reviews
All experiences and views expressed here are of the reviewer who agreed to be truthful and honest.
Central location for relatively cheap. Not much else.
The house was infested with mice. We told the landlord and he gave us two single use glue traps. This attitude was typical when it came to him fulfilling his responsibilities. However, he was very keen on us fulfilling ours, going as far as trying to force us to hire a professional cleaner on a weekly basis because he didn't think the house was tidy enough. Neighbours threatened to knock my teeth out because they claimed they couldn't sleep because we were too loud. While we were living there a girl was literally in the bin store. The murderer lived on the same road as us.
Advice for next tenants:
Don't rent here.
Monthly Rent
At the time of the review was submitted.
Rent: £550
Bills: £30
Washing machine
Outdoor space
Pet friendly
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